Don't worry! When logged in, there is a very easy way of recovering your verification code. You can recover your verification code using the organization console which will be send you a reminder of your code to your linked email address.
To recover your verification code:
1. Go to and sign in to your account.
2. Navigate to your organization admin area by clicking on the person icon in the top right corner and then clicking on "Organization Console'.
3. In the organization console, click on the cog icon to open up the settings.
4. Navigate down to 'Verification Code' and click on 'Forgotten Verification Code'. A window will pop up, asking if you would like a reminder to be sent to your email address. Click on 'OK'.
You should now have been sent a reminder of your code which you can find by opening up your email. We recommend making a note of your verification code or changing it to something more memorable by clicking on 'Set verification code'.
This solution was made for Cloud Stop Motion version 2.00.58. We hope it helped. If you have any further questions or queries about Cloud Stop Motion or just want to provide some feedback, leave us a message at [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!