Cloud Stop Motion has a number of fail safe protocols in place to stop frames/images/projects from being accidentally deleted and lost forever - however, this also means that once you do actually want to delete frames/images/projects to free up storage space, then you need to make sure you go that extra step of emptying your Recycle bin!

For example, if you have deleted any projects or exported movies but your account is still showing as containing data, you need to load onto your main account dashboard area and locate the 'Recycle bin' icon found to the top left of your screen, just along from the Cloud Stop Motion logo. Once inside your bin you can select any/all projects/movies you wish to fully delete, and then click the 'Delete forever' recycle bin button. A warning will appear advising once deleted all data is no longer available/recoverable, but by clicking 'OK' on this alert you will free up the space in your account that these projects/images/movies were previously utilising.

There is an alternative way you can free up space if you have simply deleted a number of frames from within your projects, and you wish for these to be permanently removed from your account's storage.

You see, once you have deleted frames from a project, they are then stored in a 'Deleted frames' area which can be found within your 'Project Restore' options area. To find this section of the app, simply log in onto the main animation dashboard area to see your project tiles. On the project you wish to permanently delete your deleted frames from, click on the vertical 3 dots button immediately to the right of the 'Edit'/'Export'/'Recycle Bin' buttons below your project image - you can also locate the same 3-dot 'Recovery options' button from within the project itself by navigating to the top left of the screen and immediately following the 'Edit project name' button above the image frame, then choosing 'Project restore' from the dropdown menu.

Once you are inside the 'Recovery options' area, you will see 3 tabs on the left titled: Project restore, Deleted images, and Orphaned images.

Clicking on the 'Deleted images' link will then show you all frames/images you have deleted from that particular project. Clicking the 'Select all' checkbox located above the images, and then clicking the red 'Permanently delete' button to the right of the screen above the images will bring up a final warning box advising that should you delete the selected images they will be irrecoverably deleted. Clicking 'Ok' on this will then start the full deletion process, which will free up storage space inside your account.

I hope the above information helps you understand the data deletion process a little better!

Wishing you every success with your future animations,

Your Cloud Stop Motion Team

Written for Version 2.0.122