Cloud Stop Motion (CSM) allows administrators to manually add individual users with simple username/password accounts. These accounts are ideal for students who cannot use SSO. Once created, these users log in via the custom login page unique to your organization. Follow the steps below to use this method.

Step 1: Access the Add/Import Users Dialog

  1. Log in to your CSM admin account.
  2. Navigate to the All Users section in the left-hand menu, or select the specific group you want to add users to.
  3. Click + Add/Import users at the bottom of the user list.

Step 2: Choose the Sign-In Method

  1. In the "Choose Sign-In Method" dialog, select With a username and password.
    • This option is for users who will log in using simple usernames and passwords created by the organization.
  2. Click Continue to proceed.

Step 3: Select the Add Individually Option

  1. In the "Select Source of User Information" dialog, select Add Individually.
  2. A form will appear to manually enter the user's details.

Step 4: Enter User Details

  1. Fill in the following fields:
    • Display Name (required): Enter the user’s full name for easy identification (e.g., "Example User").
    • Username (required): Create a unique username for the user (e.g., "exampleUser").
    • Password (required): Create or generate a password using the Generate Password button.
    • Permission Level: Choose Students (teachers cannot be simple users).
    • Assign Groups: Select existing groups to add the user to or create a new group for organization (e.g., "Example School 1").
  2. Click Add User to create the account.

Step 5: Notify the User

  1. After successfully adding the user, a confirmation dialog will appear with the user's login details.
  2. Download the user details in PDF or CSV format for your reference.
  3. Share the login information with the user, including:
    • Their username and password.
    • The custom login page link (see below).

Step 6: Use the Custom Login Page

  • Users must log in using the custom login page, which is different from the standard SSO login page.

  • This unique URL is specific to your organization and can be found in the Settings page under "Basic/Student Login URL."


    Share this link with users during onboarding.

Step 7: User Joins the Organization

  1. When the user logs in via the custom login page, they will automatically be connected to the organization.
  2. Once logged in, they will:
    • Appear in the organization console for management.
    • Share the organization's storage.
    • Gain access to premium features (if the organization has a paid account).

Best Practices

  • Use clear and memorable usernames and passwords appropriate for your users (e.g., young students).
  • Provide clear instructions when notifying users about their login details.
  • Bookmark the custom login page for easy access.

This guide was made in Cloud Stop Motion version 2.0.178.