Occasionally after exporting a project you may find that your movie has no audio. This can be quite confusing if you added audio into your project and were able to hear it within the Cloud Stop Motion app.

Unfortunately, modern media players provided on Windows or Apple computers sometimes have trouble playing back movies at a lower frame rate. In general, movies usually play at 24 frames per second, however animations tend to be produced at a lower frame rate than film.

A simple fix to enjoy your movie with audio and picture as intended involves increasing the frame rate in Cloud Stop Motion:

1. Go to app.cloudstopmotion.com and sign in to your account. Open up the desired project.

2. On the left, click on 'Project Settings' (the icon with three sliders).  Adjust the playback speed slider to a higher number. The default frame rate is set at 12, however this can be changed to go as low as 1 or as high as 30.

3. Export your movie once again by clicking on the the screen icon. Your movie should now play back properly with audio when viewed on a media player. You can now also download your animation if you wish.

This solution was made for Cloud Stop Motion version 2.00.58. We hope it helped. If you have any further questions or queries about Cloud Stop Motion or just want to provide some feedback, leave us a message at [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!