We understand that it can be frustrating having to pay for extra storage when you want to save your latest project. The way our offering works is that you can store unlimited frames in Cloud Stop Motion, but we ask that you pay for any additional storage needs beyond your first 500MB. Your first 500MB of storage is absolutely free.

The reason we pass on this charge for extra storage is because we have to rent Microsoft Azure Data Centres to store everything, and it is only possible to subsidize some of these costs, hence the 500MB limit that comes with a free account. The sale of paid storage plans helps fund the development of Cloud Stop Motion, so your subscription ensures we can continually improve your creative experience and add new features as we roll out updates.

How can I make the most of my storage?

  • One way to make the most of the free storage, is to reduce the resolution of the frames you capture. Click on the camera icon and then the cog (settings) tab. You will then see a drop-down menu with the resolution of your images. Depending on your camera you may be able to reduce the resolution. 

  • Check that you have emptied your recycle bin. When you delete frames, they will automatically be sent to the recycle bin. These frames will take up storage if the bin is not emptied.

  • If you are on a storage subscription or are looking to purchase one, try and work out your storage requirements by using the information in our FAQ article titled "How much storage do I need?" 

This solution was made for Cloud Stop Motion version 2.00.58. We hope it helped. If you have any further questions or queries about Cloud Stop Motion or just want to provide some feedback, leave us a message at [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!