Cloud Stop Motion Support
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Knowledge base
Cloud Stop Motion V2
Does Cloud Stop Motion work on all devices?
Is my data secure with Cloud Stop Motion?
Subscriptions and Storage
What's the best storage plan for me?
Why do I have to pay for extra storage with Cloud Stop Motion?
How to apply a storage booster to your personal account
Have you deleted frames/projects, but your storage is still showing the same as before?!
Can I pay for my educational account's upgrade by purchase order/invoice?
Organization Accounts
How do I create a school/organization account?
How do I add students to my organization account?
How do I remove remove users from my organization account?
Student Account Types
Where can I find your W9 so we can set you up as a vendor?
View all 10
Forgotten Passwords and Codes
What should I do if I've forgotten my password?
I've forgotten my verification code. What should I do?
Mini Help Guides
Inviting users from a CSV file
Creating 'classic' students
Saving, Restoring Projects, Deleted Frames and Orphaned Frames
Copying projects or movies between users within an Organization
Why isn't Cloud Stop Motion saving?
Why does my movie have a black screen after exporting?
Why does my movie have no audio after exporting?
I'm using an external webcam/camera. Why isn't it working?
How do I change camera permissions?
View all 7
Cloud Stop Motion V1 (Legacy)
Forgotten Passwords and Codes
What should I do if I forget the verification code for my school/organization account?
Organization Accounts
How do I create a school/organization account?
How do I add someone as an admin to an organization account?
How do I add students to my organization account?
What is the difference between Zu3D M and Zu3D Studio3 (or Zu3D Original)?
Does Zu3D Studio3/Original work on Windows 10?
Where is the media library stored?
Why are my Zu3D Media Library folders empty, even though they are present in the install directory?
Camera Issues
My webcam doesn't work, what should I do?
Why is the picture from my webcam slow or laggy?
Can I use a digital camera or video camera instead of a webcam?
How do I change the webcam Zu3D uses?
How do I focus my webcam?
View all 6
School Licences
Zu3D needs .net framework 4.5.2. Where do I download it from?
How is Zu3D installed on a network?
How can students install Zu3D at home?
Does Zu3D work on a thin client server?
Home Licences
How do I install Zu3D on Windows XP?
Installing Zu3D on a Mac with OSX 10.10-10.14
My code has already been activated. What should I do?
Help Desk Software
by Freshdesk